Students are often given an interesting assignment: to tell a story about themselves in writing. Teachers usually specify that they should end up with a short story, not a simple essay. Students are sometimes asked to describe a specific event or occurrence that reveals a characteristic of the story’s author. This kind of essay is often difficult because it is not easy to write about yourself, but it is even more difficult to write a complete, coherent, logical, and interesting story. To write a story about yourself, you need to take into account several nuances, remember the features and principles of its construction, and work according to a certain algorithm. Of course, inspiration and an original approach will also help you. Let’s try to figure out what is a good life essay.
Life essay. Basic guidelines, features of the work
- The nature of your work will depend largely on the tasks your teacher assigns you. Sometimes your teacher will give you a specific outline of the story and explain what you need to cover. In that case, you will need to write down all your story requirements carefully and keep them in front of you as you make your plan and think about your narrative. Try not to miss a single point, make all the accents. The teacher will certainly pay attention to your efforts, which will be reflected in the evaluation of the story.
- When you write a story about yourself in free form, it opens up many possibilities for self-realisation. You may choose the version of the story you like best, the one that is more convenient for you. You should also consider how to write a good essay title.
- The most common form of self-story is a traditional description of some milestones in your life (for school children: birth, going to kindergarten, school), your relatives, close friends, the features of their characters, the relationship with the hero of the story. It is also customary to cover their hobbies and interests.
- Traditional principles of narration are the most universal, but they don’t give room for imagination. You need to decide what to choose, taking into account your teacher’s requirements. If your teacher appreciates creativity, it is best to use original techniques in the process of writing about yourself. First, choose a main line that will be the main focus of your essay.

- The main thing is to find something interesting that evokes your desire to describe the situation, your role in it. Then your story is sure to be engaging and meaningful. For example, when describing your main character trait, give examples, recall a characteristic case from life.
- Use different artistic techniques. There will be a symbol, a comparison, an allegory, a hyperbole or a metaphor in your story. You can make a good comparison, build the whole story around an antithesis, for example, contrasting your achievement in an area with your past failures.
- Think of curious details in your story, interesting nuances that will make the reader continue reading with passion, causing a sincere desire to read the essay to the end. You may be able to remember something from your life, and some small additions are worth making up.
- Tell in the essay not only about your virtues, dreams, hobbies, but also about your shortcomings. For example, in the conclusion, you can note what you have already achieved, and what you still need to work on. Such a finished text will attract its logic and goals for the hero. You write about yourself, and the reader wants to know how you are improving, developing, and changing. If you limit yourself to describing your interests, your family, you won’t be able to write a real story, the material will resemble answers to a questionnaire. Create a dynamic rather than static image. Such a narrative will be much more engaging than a simple narrative.
- It’s great if, by talking about yourself, you can build a small plot, an intrigue that will lead the reader along. You are writing a story, not just an essay: it is advisable to make it more artistic and engaging. You will probably recall some stories that have aroused your interest. Additionally, you should look up how to answer essay questions examples.
Carefully plan your future story
It is desirable to make more points, to each attribute appropriate explanations, reflect the most striking details, comparisons. With a plan like this, it will be much easier to work on your story. Make sure that all points are connected and that the material is presented consistently and smoothly. If you find it difficult to complete the task yourself, use by this link. Here you will have the opportunity to hire experienced professionals and get the perfect essay. Many people simply don’t have enough time to write a good paper, so such services are often a great solution.