There are literally thousands of real estate investing websites on the internet today, with dozens more being added each and every month. How can you possibly weed through them all, and determine which have real value, and which are a waste of your limited time? In other words, how can you discover the top real estate investing sites?
The answer to those questions can be summed up with one word- content. When you search the internet you’re looking for information, right? Information is another word for content, so it’s reasonable to assume that the top real estate investing sites are the ones with the most high-value content.
As you begin your search for the top real estate investing sites, you can start by weeding out those that are simply link farms. You’ll recognize a link farm right away- it’s just a page filled up with links to other websites and pages, with no other content or information to be found anywhere. Link farms are there only to serve the purposes of the site owner. They provide you with nothing worthwhile.

Next are those sites that are just a rehash of other people’s content. The only thing you’ll find on these sites are reprinted articles and reports that someone else wrote. While a few reprinted articles don’t necessarily mean a site is useless, if that’s all the website has to offer you should look elsewhere for original and useful content. When looking for the top real estate investing sites you should bypass those that only provide reprinted content.
The next type of site are the sales page sites. Those are the web pages that are only trying to sell a product. Now please don’t misunderstand me- everyone has to make a living, and webmasters are no exception. There is a legitimate use of the sales page, as long as the site is also providing plenty of useful information. But far too many sites offer only sales pages, without giving you anything you can sink your teeth into. These will never be among the top real estate investing sites.
Finally, there are those websites that offer unique, engaging, and helpful real estate investing information. They tend to have resources for investors, articles, reports, forums, blogs, and useful product offerings. In a word, they have content. When you find a site like that, you know you’ve found one of the top real estate investing sites. You should bookmark it or add it to your favorites, because you’ll want to return time and time again.